Monday, March 25, 2013

Youth Sport

Youth Sport
Youth sport is a big part of american society isn't it? I mean these kids are the future of our world. Todays kids are somtimes tomarrows superstars that your paying money to see when they get older. So the start of youth sport especially at a young age is important in america. But at that young age it's at most important to make sure that we keep play what it should be for kids, and thats fun. These kids at these ages are not playing for a future paycheck, though some parents may make it seem that way with the way they push thier kids. Thats why it is apparent to make sure we keep the game fun for kids and not turn it into a profession. Its important to make sure kids benefit from youth sport, like: developing & maitaining fitness, preparation for adulthood,oppurtunities to learn values, teaches interacive skills, provides the oppurtunityfor leadership.
In this article you will read about why kids play sport, the main reason. Also the writer trying to get more people on board to help fix the problems in youth sport with bad sport parenting and bad coacing. The view of the sport from the kids themselves in surveys to get thier take on it.

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