Monday, March 25, 2013

Role Models on Sport

Role Models in Sport

In today's world we see these amazing athletes all over tv the computer. They;re portrayed to be bigger than life, and forces us to idolize them. Look up to them as role models, see them as people we want to be like. But what makes a good role model and what makes a bad one. Being a good or bad role model soley hangs upon the athlete on whether they want to live their life the right way and give people a positive look. At the beginning of the 20th century athletes viewed being a role model as part of their job. It;s easy to say that if you impact someones life, don't you have an obligation to be a role model? Well yes that's true, but what makes a good role mode? The ability to have: honesty,commitment,good sportsmanship, fairness, good sense of humor, determination, good self image, and high moral values. Bad role models are usually the athletes that are self centered, cocky, stubborn, and etc.

In this aritcle you can get a look of how certain athletes are portrayed in the sense of being role models. The good or bad they may possess and the things parents can do to help their kids realize that the athletes that they look up to are no different from people with ordinary lives.

1 comment:

  1. There are always going to be two kinds of athletes, those who present themselves right and influence people, and those who are cocky that do not care about anything but themselves. Luckily, there still are good role models out there for kids to take a liking to but I think that a lot of athletes are becoming more and more conceited.
