Monday, March 25, 2013

Role Models on Sport

Role Models in Sport

In today's world we see these amazing athletes all over tv the computer. They;re portrayed to be bigger than life, and forces us to idolize them. Look up to them as role models, see them as people we want to be like. But what makes a good role model and what makes a bad one. Being a good or bad role model soley hangs upon the athlete on whether they want to live their life the right way and give people a positive look. At the beginning of the 20th century athletes viewed being a role model as part of their job. It;s easy to say that if you impact someones life, don't you have an obligation to be a role model? Well yes that's true, but what makes a good role mode? The ability to have: honesty,commitment,good sportsmanship, fairness, good sense of humor, determination, good self image, and high moral values. Bad role models are usually the athletes that are self centered, cocky, stubborn, and etc.

In this aritcle you can get a look of how certain athletes are portrayed in the sense of being role models. The good or bad they may possess and the things parents can do to help their kids realize that the athletes that they look up to are no different from people with ordinary lives.

Youth Sport

Youth Sport
Youth sport is a big part of american society isn't it? I mean these kids are the future of our world. Todays kids are somtimes tomarrows superstars that your paying money to see when they get older. So the start of youth sport especially at a young age is important in america. But at that young age it's at most important to make sure that we keep play what it should be for kids, and thats fun. These kids at these ages are not playing for a future paycheck, though some parents may make it seem that way with the way they push thier kids. Thats why it is apparent to make sure we keep the game fun for kids and not turn it into a profession. Its important to make sure kids benefit from youth sport, like: developing & maitaining fitness, preparation for adulthood,oppurtunities to learn values, teaches interacive skills, provides the oppurtunityfor leadership.
In this article you will read about why kids play sport, the main reason. Also the writer trying to get more people on board to help fix the problems in youth sport with bad sport parenting and bad coacing. The view of the sport from the kids themselves in surveys to get thier take on it.

Why study Sport

Why Study Sport?
For most people sport is a big part if not their whole life. Then for those whose lives aren't revolved around sport, it still takes up a good part of it. As a whole we as americans love sport and embrace sport. So why not study Sport?
In this article you'll read about  the history of sport in america and how it through the years changed and helped form it's identity of what we know it today. When you read this atricle you will be able to connect with lectures from class on the importance of studying sport and the history through sport.

Why to study sport is a big talk in today’s world. With political issues, economics , social issues, and cultural aspects what room is there to study sport in today’s world. Well in fact sport is a major part of our society. There are many different reasons why we should study sport. First, there are millions of people that are interested in sport, whether it’s participating it or watching. It takes up most of our conversation, reading and leisure time. Sport constitutes the 4th largest industry in the US(11th in the world) with gross estimates of $350 billion dollars in revenue. Second, 1/10  of the world almanac is devoted and the USA Today devotes ¼ of it’s space to sport. Also sport wagering is a huge business legal ($2.4 billion) and illegal ($380 billion).Why to study sport is a big talk in today’s world. With political issues, economics , social issues, and cultural aspects what room is there to study sport in today’s world. Well in fact sport is a major part of our society. There are many different reasons why we should study sport. First, there are millions of people that are interested in sport, whether it’s participating it or watching. It takes up most of our conversation, reading and leisure time. Sport constitutes the 4th largest industry in the US(11th in the world) with gross estimates of $350 billion dollars in revenue. Second, 1/10  of the world almanac is devoted and the USA Today devotes ¼ of it’s space to sport. Also sport wagering is a huge business legal ($2.4 billion) and illegal ($380 billion).

Sport and Social Values

Sport and Social Values
What values do we hold in sport today? The values that help build us a people. That we have learned and been brought up with from a young age. How important is it to keep those clear values in your play of sport? Well in this article in the link above you can see the ethics of youth athletes and the impact of sports on todays youth.
Sport and social values is very evident in sports today, and have been since sports have been around. Having the ability to know right from wrong on the playing field, the integrity to withstand from cheating, lying, deceiving, and rule breaking is something we all have clear set on, but it’s whether we choose to use them is what shows the type of values we have. Sports usually mirror society and the types of sport we enjoy. The way we organize sport and who participate and who does not tell us a lot about what we value. A guide to behavior relies on making choices, some that deal what we’ve picked up from a social base, meaning parents, peers, teachers and siblings.  The impact of social media, media, and video games  have a lot to do with the way we see athletes or certain sports teams being portrayed maybe in a negative way, and can give us a false impression on what is right or wrong in sport. What we see from experience in education and travel can also influence decisions we make.
As Americans you can see that there are societal values that we are accustomed to and follow, they are: Achievement and success, materialism, Moral Orientation, Humanitarianism, Progress, Equality, Freedom, Conformity, Nationalism, and Individualism. In sport the traits that they build are integrity, confidence, and leadership. Gives you the competitiveness to win and prepare you for the competitve nature of life.